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Screenshot of Martin's Pretzels

Martin's Pretzels

Prototype for a new website & ecommerce frontend for Martin's Pretzels

Technologies used:

  • jQuery
  • Sass
  • Jekyll

History & Design

This prototype was my first serious foray into web design. Martin's original website had not had any major design changes in roughly a decade and was overdue for an upgrade.

I prototyped the site's frontend with the Jekyll static site generator, and mocked the data from the backend. Apart from a bit of jQuery, it's mostly vanilla JavaScript. The company also had recently contracted with a brand designer to overhaul their logo and provide a brand kit. I used Sass to style the site, which was especially helpful when it came to setting variables to match the colors and styles prescribed by the brand kit.

Ultimately it wasn't deployed because the firm managing the ecommerce backend was unable to integrate it, but it's still one of my favorite designs. You can still view the prototype here.